UIE - Universal Information Extraction


Text2Structure - Structure Extraction Language

    (Spot Name: Info Span
        (Asso Name: Info Span)
        (Asso Name: Info Span)
# Structure extrating language (SEL) for Universal IE
  • Spot Name represents there is a specific information piece with the type of spot name existing in the source text.
  • Asso Name indicates there exists a specific information piece in the source text that is with the AssoName association to its upper-level Spotted information in the structure.
  • Info Span represents the text span corresponding to the specific spotting or associating information piece in the source text.

Following is an example:

    (person: Steve
        (work for: Apple)
    (start-position: became
        (employee: Steve)
        (employer: Apple)
        (title: CEO)
        (time: 1997)
    (orgnization: Apple)
    (time: 1997)
# The SEL representation for "Steve became CEO of Apple in 1997."

Prompt paradigm

feature engineering -> neural network architechure engineering -> fine tuning -> prompt engineering

How to choose prompt

Different prompts have different zero-shot or few-shot capbilities. For example, the prompt for extrating person name could be:

  1. Which people are contained in the original text?
  2. Who are in the text?
  3. What are the names?






  1. Yaojie Lu, etc, from CAS, Baidu and BAAI. Unified Structure Generation for Universal Information Extraction., ACL 2022.
  2. PaddleNLP - UIE. 通用信息抽取 UIE(Universal Information Extraction)
  3. 通用信息抽取技术与产业应用实战, 2022.5.21
  4. 《UIE:基于统一结构生成的通用信息抽取》-韩先培, 2022.7.22
  5. https://github.com/universal-ie/UIE
